Wednesday, February 5, 2014


I wasn't raised religiously, the only religion I'm closely affiliated to is Islam and even calling myself a Muslim would be a lie in one way or another because I don't have much background knowledge on the practice. I feel like religion, in most cases, is no longer a personal choice but something you are born into and carry solely because your parents grew up with that religion. It's almost like an ethnicity. That's why people who claim to be Catholic or Jewish might not even know what their religion preaches. 
I never really cared or paid attention to the story of Adam and Eve but now that we've discussed it in class, it's grown interesting to me only because, if thoroughly thought over, it's a story of how God set up 2 people to fail. How are two people, who have no knowledge of how they themselves are alive and functioning or of how the Earth circles, going to understand that the voice in the sky is good and a talking snake is bad. If God didn't want them to eat from the tree of knowledge, why would he even put it there in the first place? And why would he allow for the snake (Satan) to be dangling in the tree? Couldn't God have just set up the world for these people to have no possible way to fail; wouldn't that be in his power? So now EVERYONE else is in sin for the actions of two clueless people. But of course, when this story is questioned and there are holes that can't be filled, the true start of life is hidden somewhere in a vault that no one can see. If it IS even there. 

Truthfully, if you keep in mind that religion is possibly a tactic used to keep people in order, I believe claiming that everyone is born into original sin just makes those who are more religious, cautious of their actions. If you've grown up, being told that you were born a sinner and knowing that to be a sinner is the worst capable thing of being in the world, you will fear of sinning again. I don't see any other reason to call someone into original sin other than a way to gain power over them. 

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