Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Suppress natural instincts

    Darwinism explains that it is in an animals nature to protect itself from danger even if it has to kill. It is human nature that we want to hurt someone who has wronged us or get even with them. Religion and civilization were created to suppress our natural instincts to put ourselves before others and fight to survive. The more civilization and religion suppress an individual, the more he or she wants to break free from their grip. Someone can be suppressed of their natural behavior for so longer before he or she finally bursts and does something "crazy". We view those who have "gone off the deep end" as people who are just mentally unstable but evolutionary theory states that those who burst from suppression are the ones who are strong and are acting within their instincts.
     Dostoevsky describes the active man as less intelligent than someone who is inactive. The inactive man can see both sides to an argument and will have difficulty choosing one argument to side with. An active man is one who chooses a particular side and sticks with it and disregards the other argument. For the active man it is easy to choose a side because it does not involve much effort to decide. Men with high IQs tend to shut themselves away from others simply because they feel they are misunderstood. Others escape the stereotype of being alone and secluded by pursuing jobs that are meant for men with lower IQs. To these men, doing something that is easy allows them to escape their mind.

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