Thursday, February 20, 2014

Getting there...

I have to admit that it is driving me absolutely crazy that we still have not figured out why the absolute advantage is our absolute advantage. At the end of the class Mr. Shapiro always says "We're getting there". I really hope we get there tomorrow because if we don't I think I might go insane this weekend.

Aside from that, I wanted to bring up a few points. We talked about how man has stopped evolving physically, since there is no longer a 'survival of the fittest' rule within our species. Reflecting on it later, I thought perhaps the stunt in our physical evolution has been a direct product of our absolute advantage.  Our ability to make rash decisions that may seem illogical and irresponsible is exactly what has led us to discover how to shape our surroundings. Often times, we discover things quite by accident. Decisions that go against logic are exactly what separate us from other animals because they give us an independence from nature. Instead of adapting to our environment, we can adapt the environment to us. If the climate is hot, we will turn up the A/C; if there is a hurricane, we put shutters on our houses. The absolute advantage allows us to break boundaries and reach new possibilities. Perhaps this is why it is our most important trait.

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