Monday, February 24, 2014

Monday Post

Live for the journey. That is what most of us humans do. We pursue the challenges of the journey toward success. All the difficulties we endure,  the obstacles we overcome and the effort we put into something in order to achieve success is what we desire. After we achieve success, is there anywhere to go? I can relate what Fyodor states in this section of the book with my swimming career. I practice everyday in order to achieve faster times. My journey, and what I look forward to, is the everyday challenges practice provides me with and the swim meets that test my the amount of effort I have put into the pool. It is ablaze itself amazing when I get a PR in one of my events,  and at that time I am half I put in all the time energy and passion into my sport, however, the next day I will be starting all over again, back in the pool for more practice. Therefore I can conclude that we live for the journey, we accomplish much more in the oath toward sucres, we learn much more in the path toward success and it is the experiences that we keep with us forever.

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