Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Comment on Davis post

    I agree with Davis; we are all selfish, even when we are trying to seem selfless. Every single action that we preform we do for ourselves. Even when we try to act like we care about someone else or are doing something for others we are really doing it for our own sake. We will always think that we are the most important person in a room, no matter who could possibly be there. We express our pain or hardships to get pity or compassion from others. Not only are we selfish, but we crave attention as well. Good or bad, any kind of recognition is enough and people will say or do ridiculous things to get it. I agree with Davis and the idea that we are all trying to "one up" each other. When someone is telling us something we're not even thinking of what that person is saying, in reality we're just thinking of what we can say to make our story sound better than theirs. I've never realized any of this until we began to discuss it in class and now I even find myself doing some of these things even though it sounds terrible.

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