Wednesday, February 26, 2014

February 25th, Last Blog

I did really enjoy this book and it gave me so much to think about that can be applied to life in general. It was definitely worth reading because even though it was difficult, I think that Dostoevsky is a genius. His comments on human nature and the way we live were painfully true,but its always nice to be exposed to something more than just the regular ideas we are spoon fed every day at school. However, without discussing it I don’t think I would have gotten as much out of it because when you don’t exactly know what he’s saying, you can start interpreting the book in one certain way and, like he said about reason how you can make connections to anything, and it’s not really what he was going for. For example the ideas of Darwinism and how that can be applied to the “unhappy man of the 19th century”, I would have never thought of myself. But once I knew that among other things, it made the rest of the book easier to understand. 
What I thought was especially funny was that as I am reading the book and getting graded on my understanding of it, I kept learning more and more how pointless everything that we do was. Yet, I needed to do these assignments to understand that the assignments were significant to nothing in the gran scheme of things. It just further more proves that humans just purposely make up things to make life more difficult or interesting because we have separated ourselves from the rest of life on this planet. For example the economy is nothing that’s actually real, humans have just chosen to make it real. In the end we are just really playing a big giant game of monopoly, yet this game choses your social status and way/quality of life. 
Even though we are so infinitely small, I think to some extend humans  need to create importance because each individual only has their own one chance at life (for what we know), so you might as well try and be happy. However, if being inactive is what makes you happy then I don't see a problem with that too. 

Dostoevsky made a lot of comments that seem to be able to applied to universal human nature. We discussed that humans have gone against evolution (even though we discussed how evolution will just be another theory proven wrong), by keeping the weak alive. However, that is not true of all societies which proves that there is false to that idea. In our particular society though, that idea is probably painfully true, and that is one of the most scary things to think about, because it goes against all morals we have been taught. 

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