Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Wendell Pfeffer

            Everyone that was called on in class today agreed that they thought about doing something terrible or evil during their lifetimes. To me this happens a lot especially if someone has done something bad towards me. All I think about after that is how in the world am I going to get them back. Their have been at times when I don’t take revenge because I think to myself that it isn’t worth it and as time passes the urge to take revenge goes away. This relates to all the negative thoughts that have come across my mind. I think about it but then I forget it as time passes. Dostoyevsky said that those thoughts are stored in our minds and the thoughts can perhaps come back even stronger, but I disagree. I think about it, forget it and then come up with a new disgusting thought. To me its like a cycle that repeats itself.

            Apart from todays discussion the book itself has been a tremendous help towards my literary analysis and reading comprehension. I have not only improved but I now look at things I read in an abstract manner. Dostoyevsky’s thoughts are so complex but yet once you understand what he is talking about you learn a lot from it. Unfortunately, when I read I was completely off on most of his ideas but the discussions made everything so clear and interesting. The one notion that discussed human civilization as a whole and how we are clearly getting weaker was to me the most fascinating idea. If a member of the group of lions becomes week and cannot hunt then the whole groups leaves it to die alone. That one member cannot serve its purpose anymore and is only making the group weaker; the young and strong group of lions are not going to waste their energy and time taking care of the sick member. We humans instead of doing the same are keeping the weak alive. Weak people who cannot serve their function and thus cannot benefit society. The United States wastes trillions of dollars on welfare and on the hospitals to keep these people alive instead of investing it on the younger generations. This is ultimately making the human race weaker.  

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