Wednesday, February 19, 2014


       Violence is part of human nature. Had religion never been created, I believe that we would still have that desire to express our violent, vulgar inner emotions and would find some way of doing it. Things such as sports were created in society in order to channel these urges, yet we have found many reasons to kill. Our innate loathsome, bloodthirsty characteristics have thrived through the competition of religions, and it is at these moments in time that we have been able to express our violence. No matter what, humans will always find a way to be vicious.
        Unlike any other species, we kill for reasons besides threat. Any other organism kills when they feel threatened. But as humans, we come up with different reasons to kill. We are the most dangerous species. It is in our nature to feel anger and violence towards others for reasons that have to do with threatening our food, thirst, or survival. I feel as though religion encouraged this even more, and made people become more passionately competitive, which eventually caused much more chaos and violence. Religion enhanced this bloodthirsty desire in humanity, but if it had never been created, something else would have done the same job.

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