Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Finished. Finally.

Though the majority of the book is a huge bottle of crap, I do believe that are several ideas that I could actually learn from. Now, when I say that the book is crap I don't actually mean all of it but I do mean that his conclusion are unique and needless to say, I don't agree with him but, when it comes to the origin of his ideas and how they can open his mind or the mind of the reader to the unlimited possibilities I have to say I can concur that they are thought-inducing. That is my real take on the book; I agree with the Underground Man's statements up to a certain degree. After that, I believe he becomes an egotistical maniac who can only explain that he is the superior mind to the "masses". He also tries to back up his claims by stating that he is not what he describes as a man of action and therefore is not limited to a wall. However, I cannot see how a man of action could be limited if he is able to analyze both sides of the story and then make. A decision which favor  him more than the other whereas, someone like the Underground Man can be the unlimited one when he always sits in limbo because he cannot make a decision and yet wants to be accepted into society. All-in-all, I believe that the Underground Man is too hungry for attention to make rational decisions and is actually in great need of a psychologist.

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