Thursday, February 20, 2014

Thursday Post

Today in class we discussed two very interesting ideas. The first is once again our “most advantageous advantage”. After three days of discussion, we finally uncovered that this advantage is actually our ability to take risks, act against our best interest and defy the natural order of placing survival before all else. This is a huge advantage that we humans have over other animals because this allows us to progress as a species. It is this ability that has led to all of the great technologies and ideas that we have created throughout history. It is due to this advantage that human society today is completely different from human society 400 years ago. The next idea we discussed it the idea of humans being highly social creatures. We came to the conclusion that for some reason, humans are highly social beings. No matter how nonsensical it may seem to live in a crowded city as opposed to in a vast countryside, we do it because e we need to have other people close by. That is what Dostoyevsky suffers from, the need to be close to people even though he cannot stand them because he believes them all to be complete idiots. 

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