Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Final Reaction

     I really enjoyed discussing this book; it was definitely worth reading. Before we talked about it in class, I just saw the underground man as a bitter, rude, and whiny man who thought he was above everyone else. But after the analysis, i realized that these ideals and truths exist within all of us, however they were simply exaggerated and brought to light in this novel. Many hate to admit that these things are true, but they are (to a certain extent) and they are extremely relevant to our lives. The novel made me reflect on my life, and I discussed Dostoyevsky's viewpoints with many others outside of class. The fact that this novel inspired these conversations and reflections shows me that it truly is a great book, and that it did in a way change me as an individual.  
      Something I took from this book that I will never forget is the idea that humanity is a contradictory species; that there are no REAL answers to anything and that there is only one universal truths which is that there are no universal truths. I guess you could say that this book has made me become a little bit more "okay" with the fact that sometimes there are things that cannot be explained. Regardless, I know that I will continue to think like the rest of the world, as it is in my nature, and I will still embrace the walls that are put before me because they provide comfort, despite that this comfort may be short-term. I  will choose which walls I embrace, and which ones are worth trying to overcome. Reading this book gave me an entirely new perspective on humanity, religion, evolution, and Darwinism that I will carry with me during my future experiences. 

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