Thursday, February 20, 2014

Thursday Post

In school human nature is always explained through Darwinism. The theory that only the fittest survive and the weak die out, leaving the world without producing any offspring. As you start to examine humans through, you start to see that human defy every law set by Darwin. The weak in body and mind are able to survive and reproduce, leading to a weaker generation. Instead of adapting to our environment, we change our environment to adapt to us. In essence, by defying our natural instincts to survive, we push boundaries from either boredom or ingenuity. We take risk that put our lives in jeopardy to advance ourselves as a species. The thing that set humans apart from animals, is our ability to change ourselves and to more forward. Human sent other humans into space, even though it was risky. Humans built skyscrapers and discovered the deepest depths of the oceans. We would not have done this if our instinct were strong enough  to prevent from doing anything that risk our survival.  

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