Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Overall, I thought this was a really interesting book. I can’t say that I necessarily agree with all of the ideas that the author presented, but I definitely think that it is something that everyone should read, because it opens you up to new perspectives and ideas. Reading this book also kind of made me look at my life and think about what I really want to accomplish in my time on earth. This book made me think about how truly monotonous people’s lives are and how no true pleasure is derived in it. I feel sometimes like I am just going through the motions of life, keeping my head down, having my life calculated with this “mathematica equation” that the author speaks of. This, to me, isn’t really a living. I want to try to break free from this idea of just trying to have my life planned x,y,z, and trying to have answers for everything. I think it’s important to notice, after reading this book, that there are some things that we just can’t explain, and to just come to realization with this fact to focus on living a life that is truly fulfilling and rewarding. I definitely think discussing this book was worth while. When I first read this book, it was difficult for me to place any real merit into what the author was saying, because I didn’t truly grasp the concepts that he was speaking of. Discussing them not only allowed me to understand these concepts, but opened me up to opinions of others that I didn’t know before; it was an enlightening experience. Without any doubt, this book helped with my analytical skills. I got my fair share of practicing the extraction of concepts and ideas from what, at first glanced, appeared to be just the jumbled ideas of an insane man. All in all, I really liked this book, because it was more than just your typical piece of literature, it was an attempt by an undoubtedly intelligent man to truly just piss you off, and at some points he succeeded. It is in these points, however, that I learned the most about my belief system, and that of those around me. 

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