Thursday, February 6, 2014

Thursday's Post

The argument between Darwinism and Creationism is one I’ve heard one to many times. My mom believes in creationism and my father believes in Darwinism. One's logic is based on evidence rooted from science and the other one's logic comes from passages in the bible. Obviously the topic is a sensitive one and I’ve learned to mostly stay away from talking about it because it’s extremely frustrating conversation to have. Neither side is willing to give any leeway and neither sides evidences is strong enough for the other to change the way they think. Listening to the argument always makes me think. It makes my question my mom’s blind faith (especially considering she a doctor) and my father bleak outlook on death. To me, God represent comfort and guidance but also doubt and fear. After listening to my father’s side of the argument and understanding the evidence, combined with my studies in biology and Darwinism its hard to overlook science. So I grounded myself in the middle. Which perhaps makes me wish washing, but it also makes me feel safe.   

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