Thursday, February 6, 2014


Regarding the video we watched today, I found the side that was attempting to prove the existence of God to be confusing. It was harder to understand the point he was attempting to bring across as compared to Nye. As far as Nye's arguments went, I understood them crystal clear. I found it also ironic that in order for the man against Nye to prove the existence of God, he needed to use science. Obviously, it was principal to use facts and data brought by science to show the belief that there is a greater being but considering how Science and Religion clash, it's interesting how you can't prove God without the use of science whereas vice versa, religion isn't needed in science. 
I'm open minded and not stubborn enough to completely disregard the idea of there being no God, however I would find it eternally depressing if this were to be proven. I don't understand the reason for debate and to be honest, I think the subject should be left alone. Science, in it's own way, is a religion. It's a belief system that some people take to heart and base their actions on just as religion is to others. Proving that there is no God, I believe, would create more destruction than good because in the end, when you are suffering and in anguish with nowhere to turn to, even the most rational man might end up finding himself on his knees in prayer. If you entirely eradicate the idea of God from peoples minds by showing scientific fact, you also nearly eradicate faith. What would the world be without God? Maybe, on the surface, it would look the same but inside every being, a part of their hope would die. Once again, I'm not all that religious and God doesn't take up a fundamental part of my life, but whenever I'm depressed or in fear, it's always comforting to be able to have a small chat with a superior; and I don't want that to be taken away from me. 

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