Thursday, February 6, 2014

Thursday Post

The video we watched today brought up some interesting points about the different belief systems: creation vs. evolution. As I was in my classes throughout the day, different people in various periods of Shaps class were debating the topic, which made it so a couple of my classes started discussing the issue as a whole. It became very ironic when the assignment for my Biomedical class today was to create a debate (similar to the style that Bill Nye and Ken Ham were engaging in) discussing the pros and cons of cloning- not subjective to only humans, includes animals, plants, etc. The very interesting thing about it is that this debate gets to religion somehow as well, and because of someones religion, they are brought up believing a certain way. For example, some religions shun cloning completely, while others accept cloning if it is being used in a useful way such as for medicine and crop growth.

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