Thursday, February 6, 2014

Is The Church Losing?

"The debate is strange though because although it is evident that the English man is wrong the fact that he is English levels off the debate with Bill because Bill is not a great speaker but he provides us with some great points."

I just have to throw this out there before I start; this line from Wendell's comment is hilarious. Made my day. Now, on to the more serious issue at hand, the fact that most people side with Bill Nye is not surprising. The only reason why they do not stand with Ken Ham is because, though both of the speakers use the same evidence, Bill Nye is the only who can bring up factual evidence that could be supported with tangible data whereas, Ken Ham can only tell the viewers of how the evidence proves that there might be a chance that God does exist and had created the universe in six days. So, Ken was actually telling the viewers to trust his theories as all creationists apparently should; by taking a leap of faith.  I, naturally, side with Bill in believing that our world was created after the Big Bang, the story of Noah is all but a hoax, and that the possibility of the universe being created in six days is a sham. However, there are those who still cling to their religion even after Bill had successfully proven that Ken's creation model was, indeed, not viable. Now, Bill had an answer for the reason as to why these people could not drop their religion and look onto the more logical side of the spectrum; some believe that it is their loyalty and faith that keeps them from ever leaving their religion behind or, for the younger crowd, they cannot leave their religion because it is all they know and it is all that their parents ever taught them about the creation of the universe but, the majority of the time, it is neither of these reasons. For the most part, it is the fact that many people cannot deal with the idea that, after they die, they do not go anywhere and Bill made this very clear in his opening statement. People are afraid of the idea and wish not to think of it. This is why, even in the face of logic, they cling to the Bible and its teachings; they cannot and will not deal with reality and I do think that this is a problem that society must overcome if it wants to progress any further from its present and idle state of mind.

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