Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The Meaning of the Wall and Doubts About God

I believe that this wall that Dostoyevsky refers to so frequently is one that holds us back from what we could be doing. This wall is made up of all of our doubts about higher powers, life itself, etc. However, these doubts are not ones that we openly recognize and discuss as we do others. I think these are doubts that we chose to ignore because the reality of them is too disturbing to deal with. For example, when Darwin first introduced the theory of evolution, doubt filled everyone's minds as to where religion stood. I think that the theory of evolution is extremely logical and credible (even though it is still a theory) but the extremely high amount of doubt that it brought over the religious belief system was too much for people to handle. Instead, people dismissed the theory of evolution and continued to believe in religion, as they do today. I myself am not a highly religious person, but I do have a firm belief that God exists. If someone were to come to me and tell me that they could absolutely prove that God existed, nothing would change for me because he already does exist to me. Now, if we switched around the question and someone said that they could 100% prove that the theory of evolution was real and God did not exist, I can say for certain that I wouldn't want to now. Ignorant or not, I would rather keep believing in what I have believed in for almost two decades than switch my whole life around. Though I know there are many people who don't believe i God because of the things that have transgressed in history, I believe in God as use religion as a way of faith and strength through hard times. If I knew that it was not real I would feel weak, and though it s not the weakness I fear I would not know what to rely on in times of struggle that are bend my own strength.
-Talia Akerman

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