Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Religious Deception: What the Vatican is not telling us

The power of the universe can seem too massive for anyone person to ever comprehend. However, in truth, there are those who have mastered the ways of the universe and have conquered all levels of infinite space. Now, though there are actual people who have the ability to understand the functions that create the larger picture of the universe, there are those who go through their entire lifetime without ever discovering purpose or the reason as to why they are who they are. In fact, the majority of people on this planet have no idea what the hell they are suppose to do with their lives nor do they ever choose to follow the path in life they find most compelling to them. This idea of not chasing dreams and fantasies though is more often then not caused by the pressure of others to do what they think would be accepted by society, what follows the rules of their religion, and what their mothers and fathers impose on them as acceptable. In our lectures, we mainly focus on religion. For those that see God as the greater power in life and worship his might, and believe that his rules, or ten commandments, are the guidelines in which they must mold their life around to fit into God's second society which exists in the afterlife, heaven, to be blinded from the true powers of the infinite universe. When I look into the night sky, I do not just see Orion or the moon, I see a whole plethora of galaxies that are filled with worlds that are infinitely filled with stars, dimensions, and living creatures that, like us, are probably contemplating the true powers of the universe as we speak. At this point, I have not yet made it clear as to what I believe or what makes me different from others; I was raised with the Catholic Church at my side and have done all that is required of that religion to be considered a true Catholic. However, once I began to grow up and had obtained the ability to actually ponder the stars, I realized how small I was to it all. What God makes a man and gives him free will, the ability to explore and the opportunity to question yet, deems it wise to restrict that man from ever reaching his full potential. It is stated in the Bible that at the city of Babylon, God created the many different languages of the world in order to hinder man from doing anything that he pleases such as building a tower that would reach the heavens. The reason behind this is so that men could not overthrow the power of God and remove him of his power. Any person who believes that this is not so is either a fool or is guilty of what I am now about to explain as a reason to why people do not like to question the stories in religion. Take a moment now, and try to think what the world would be like if we had no religion and everyone in the world fell under one banner. Life would have progressed at a more accelerated rate due to the fact that there are no rules to hinder man from inventing and crating new theories about the universe. The majority of us would be able to live in true peace. Now come back to reality and picture the world we live in today. Full of disease, conflict, and regret. However, when the idea of the world without religion is introduced to those that strongly believe in their rules, they immediately try to stop the conversation or get mad at the person who introduced the idea. Why? They do so because they cannot and do not wish to comprehend the most logical conclusions because these conclusions would completely flip their worlds upside down. It would mean that all that dedication and suffering that they had to go through was for nothing and so they would rather go on living in a lie than face the truth and embrace it. I did not bury my head in the sand however. I did not give up on knowledge and I have absorbed it. Many of you who may not even read this and the ones that do will probably think me weird, stupid, awkward, or crazy but, that would only prove my point and that is all I need to be glad.

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