Monday, February 10, 2014


The narrator finds himself to be nothing more than a mere mouse who lives under the floor boards and is too afraid to fight back. I believe that the reason he cannot fight back is because of his intelligence. A smart man who sees the clarity of both sides will understand that justice isn't served by revenge but will still want revenge at the same time. He cannot decide whether to hit back against his enemies (even though he is so smart to know it will do him no good) are just attempt to make peace with it, therefor, scurrying back into his hole in the wall to live with a grudge for the remainder of his life. In contrast, a stupid man, or one who can pick a side and just go, will either choose revenge, and like a bull, charge at the source of his anger and essentially satisfy his craving for revenge without a second thought or fully believe that there is no revenge needed and choose to live happily without any fighting back. 

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