Thursday, February 6, 2014

Evolution vs. Creation

    Bill Nye the science guy. What a great video. The arguments the creationist was trying to get past were confusing and at the same time, I felt as if he was contradicting himself every time he spoke. Bill Nye was the one who had his facts down pat and did an amazing job of proving this guy wrong. When the creationist started to argue Bill's statement about animals, it was clear he had lost. I agree with him that even though many animals have sharp teeth but do not use them to eat meat. He was leaving out a major chunk of information. The reason why those animals are vegetarians with sharp teeth is due to evolution. Science has hard evidence that certain animals are different than their ancestors due to evolution and natural selection.
     If you do not believe in God then you are basically letting science dictat what is true with physical proof. If you believe God does in fact exist, then you are not fully rejecting science you are just letting it be. After our discussions in class it is now easier to see the relationship between these arguments and the arguments made in NFTU and in Crime and Punishment. Dostoevsky uses evolution vs. relgion throughout both books.

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