Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Wednesday Post

Today’s lecture prompted some thoughts that I have recently been having about religion. The whole concept of organized religion, in my opinion, is an absolute joke created for the sole purpose of keeping people united and in accordance with an some archaic set of rules that a few old men claim God wrote. Don’t get me wrong, I definitely see some validity in the teachings behind religions. From Bhuddism to Islam, religions each offer bits and pieces of teachings that resonate with me. But to constrict oneself to just one single religion, or to say that one and only one religion is right, make absolutely no sense to me. I believe, and I think that the author of this story believes, that it is our job as humans to study and explore all of the knowledge on a topic presented to us, in this case religion, before making a definitive decision about anything. Unlike most religions, I don’t think that there is one supreme testament that states the direct word of God all of us are meant to live by. Instead, I think that nearly every religion has some degree of validity, it is just up to each and everyone of us to decide how much of each one truthfully and honestly resonates with us. That is how I think religion should be; less concrete, and more individualized. 

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