Tuesday, February 11, 2014


What is the purpose of learning? That famous quote that many kids use to get away from learning "the more I learn, the more I know, the more I know, the more I forget, the more I forget, the less I know. Then why learn?" keeps coming back to my head as we discussed today's paragraphs on what Fyodor states and contradicts about the legitimacies of all the learning we have done.

I have come to the conclusion that everything that most of the aspects we have learned so far do not have real evidence or truth behind them because human beings were the ones that created the institution in the first place. Therefore we are learning upon theories made by man which may or may not be true. These theories change all the time! How are we supposed to accept that what we learn now will be the case 10 years from now? Will what we had learned be disproven by then? Will we need to go back to school ask learn the "modern education"?

Fyodor was able to teach mind boggling aspects of life, it feels like Inception,  but 10x worse, my mind is blown.

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