Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Nonetheless, there is a great deal of merit to science

It is interesting to look at everything this way. It is also incredibly frustrating because the world in its entirety is amorphous and ambiguous. I find it fascinating to look at the concepts of math and science, which we have labeled as absolute truth, as just a social construct like religion. Sure, it's a more advanced understanding of our environment than religion, but it is within the same realm of analysis and serves the same purpose. That said, I think there is a great deal of merit to science and math. Personally, I love to read creative stories and films that really incite thought. I also like to read bizarre scientific theories. In essence, it's all the same thing. Either one could be, or not be. Like Schrodinger's cat, we are both alive and dead. Existing and non existing. But science is the only way we can control our environment. It is also the only way we can manipulate the world to our needs. Sure, science may only work on our limited bubble, but at least it can hold up a skyscraper. You can't say the same thing about religion.

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