Monday, February 3, 2014

Monday's Post

Today we discuss Dostoevsky’s dark side. We talked about how he says that he can feel enjoyment from the pain or misfortune of others. When I read that section of the book, the part where he declared that when he saw things “sublime and beautiful” and he understood that the world could be a place of goodness, and then it makes him sink into a “mire”, I assumed that this was because he insane or depressed constantly.  Then I realized after the class discussion that it’s a normal feeling that people suppress or do not want to talk about. It like the phrase misery loves company. If you feel like your life is less enjoyable then someone else’s, then you want to drag them down with you.  It reminded me of a time when my older brother built a beautiful Lego tower.  My parents were fawning over him, and I immediately became jealous. From this jealous I decided that it was a good idea to destroy his tower. Even though I got in trouble for it, I felt a weird sense of enjoyment for making my brother feel the way I did. 

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