Monday, February 10, 2014

Monday NFTU

I think the point of what we talked about today is the fact that humans are more thinkers than they are doers. We will go through great lengths to make ourselves think we are mentally stronger thatn what we really are and that we have enough courage to act against someone who we think is defying our being.  What Dostoyevky was saying was that we are our own worst enemy because we tell ourselves we will do something, and when we start to think and hesitate and fail to act, we kill ourselves with the “what could’ve “ been questions. You begin weighing the pros and cons and the dangers and advantages, but you do this for so long that you get stuck on thinking and forget to ever commit yourself to any act. Then the chance blows by for you to do anything, and you are stuck with a missed opportunity. Like in a soccer game when you get asked to take a pk. You start thinking “what if I miss, what if they hate me for it. What if I score, what if I’m the hero” and by the time you finish thinking someone already took it. Missed chance, horrible feeling in your mind and stomach.

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