Friday, February 7, 2014

Friday Post

The discussion about the wall interested me more than our previous discussion on the same topic because we really discussed the mentality of people when they are considering their decisions whether they are small like slapping someone back or large like religious beliefs. The conclusion I was able to draw was that no matter what type of decision is to be made, people with a regular IQ or as Dostoyevsky says with a normal amount of consciousness need a boundary, a set of guidelines to follow in order to feel comfortable with their decisions. Simultaneously, people with an extraordinarily high IQ would rather break free from those boundaries and do as they please. However, they cannot do so because their excessive consciousness forces them to see both sides of every decision so clearly that they can never make up their mind as to what they want to do. This is the problem tat Dostoyevsky faces and somehow finds enjoyment in. 

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