Thursday, February 6, 2014

February 5th

There are many illogic and contradicting ideas in the bible, but I don't think that science is 100% fool proof either. Just the phenomenon of life is a miracle, and science cannot really the questions "why". Humans want to know why we are here and how life even happened in the first place. Science can't really tell you why the single cell organelles and membranes just became life. In modern day science and religion can coexist because people are comfortable with both ideas being in the social mix, and both of them somewhat explain what the other can't, even though I don't think that is really allowed internally with the institutions. That's why I'm agnostic because I really don't think humans have all the answers and human science is no exception. I won't put all my trust or faith in one thing because, like NFTU is trying to prove, there's always another option. The only reason why I would want to know if God existed so I know the rules to get into what ever after life country club He has to offer. That's the only way it would affect my life. And I wouldn't spend very much time thinking

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