Monday, February 10, 2014

Ignorance is bliss?

Many would argue that ignorance is bliss. To not know every little detail or know the story completely might be better than knowing the full story or knowing the truth. It is easier to use the excuse of "I didn't know" than to lie about what you actually know. Dostoevsky makes a point when he perceives those who can make up their mind and take action as a beautiful thing. There is something appealing to the fact that you can simply choose without question. 
In class we also discussed the feeling of being reconigzed and the feeling of being ignored. One might say that it is better to be picked on due to small differences or physical appearances than to be completely ignored because at least you are being noticed. When you are ignored, it makes you feel as if they could not give two shits about you or your feelings. It makes you feel inferior and you start to see yourself as just passing through life going unnoticed. On the other hand, someone who has been bullied throughout his or her life may want to be left alone and ignored. To them, being ignored is better than being made fun and having to feel as if everyone in your life is bound to make fun of you for one thing or another. Those kids who are tormented in school tend to have this ever-lasting desire to seek out revenge, even if they know they will never be able to actually harm someone. The Man in NFTU is fed up with being ignored by the officer and makes it his mission to be noticed. He goes to the extreme by buying new clothes to make it seem as if he is of equal ground to the officer. This goes to show that those who are ignored want to be seen so badly that they may do whatever it takes to be noticed by those who ignore them. 

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