Tuesday, February 11, 2014


The more you know, the less you know. It is frustrating to try to push the boundaries knowing that you cannot actually push back as far as you would like. The wall is the barrier that keeps is from seeing the side of the story, it keeps is contained in a certain zone that we cannot pass until we accept the fact that we are limited to a certain degree. We tend to accept facts because someone who is wiser or older than us claims it is true. We believe in what others tell us because it is easier than having to refute it and argue your point of the story. After discussing the book more in class, the more I remember how frustrating it was to actually read it and get through it. The constant constitutions supported by logic was one thing that I absolutely disliked. The passages we discussed in class today made me think that we have become walking contradictions. We believe in one thing, yet we want to disprove it in order to make ourselves seem superior. 
 When we spoke about giving recognition to someone or having the feeling of being noticed I realized everyone wants to have both. We want to slap someone who is pissing us off but at the same time we do not want to give them the satisfaction and when we try to get under someone's skin we tend to poke then until they finally snap at you. Once they snap, it is as if you won the game. If they do not snap, you lose. 

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