Friday, February 7, 2014


Man is it's own worst enemy, because what happens when the top of the food chain meet, when two Alfa males find themselves face to face; they fight for power. Religion is a barrier (a wall perhaps) that prevents man from attacking each other. It gives man a common belief so that they can live in unison without satisfying their blood lusting cravings. Freudian theory states that man is born with evil instincts, murder, incest, adultery, but in order to suppress those desires, they find a way to channel that instinct into something else. Someone who is overly violent might join a football or a wrestling team. That's what I believe religion is. It's a way for man to channel their Alfa male instincts into something else that will allow them to live peacefully in unison. So now, when a mans instinct tells him to kill for power, religion will be the reason he suppresses those wants. 

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