Friday, January 24, 2014

The First Time I've Done Homework on a Friday

Thus far the book is thought provoking, yet when I do feel like I understand something, I am afraid that I dumbed Dostoyevsk’s ideas or interpreted in a way that may not really be doing him justice. If you’re not really reading in the flow of the book I see how it could seem dull especially if one doesn't  understand what he’s saying. The whole time I’m reading I have to have a dictionary out and I thought about certain words choice that he repeats like “spite” or “consciousness” because it can mean more than what I think initially. I completely see a connection to Crime and Punishment and I think this will help me enjoy or be a little more interested in that book because NFTU it gives a whole lot of insight to some of Dostoyevsk’s ideas he may want to get across. My favorite idea so far is that “consciousness is a disease” because it almost connects to the idea in my head that it would’ve been easier for me to grow up with religion so I wouldn’t spend so much of my time questioning everything.  

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