Sunday, January 26, 2014

Predestined Or Not?

There were many things that Dostoyevsky spoke about in my reading today that caught my attention. The beginning of chapter VIII actually made me stop reading because I started thinking about what he was saying. It is hard to believe that we as humans do not really have a choice in life. It does not make sense to us that our lives could have been predetermined since birth. It seems like we are making decisions, but we already know what we want. It is like flipping a coin to make a decision; you think you do not know what you want, but as soon as the coin is in the air, what you want is obvious because it has always been what you were going to choose, it was just hidden. Dostoyevsky describes mankind as innate creative creatures who want to build something new, who want to create. However, he states that that want, that drive, the reason to create is predestined. I am still not sure whether I think Dostoyevsky is right because it does not seem to be right, it does not seem to make sense, but it is worth thinking about; it could be true. 

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