Saturday, January 25, 2014

NFTU 2nd post

I’ve finished reading Part 1 in which Dostoyevsky just rambles on and on and I was surprised that in the last chapter of this part he talked about how he did not write any of this for anyone to read. I understood though that that was precisely what he was leading up to with all his rambling. He was talking the whole time, just to let us know in the end that man keeps many things bottled up and that writing the ideas down on paper are a way to let those ideas be free and to rid them from the conscious mind. So the whole time, he himself was letting go of all of these ideas and doubts and things that bothered him. I also realized (or I think I did) why the book is called Notes from the Underground. It is because he sets himself up as a character that lives underground and has nothing to do but look at humans and judge their behaviors and choices and wonder why they do what they do. I am excited to read what comes next but I really hope it is easier to read.

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