Saturday, January 25, 2014

Saturday Reaction

Another theme that I seem to be picking up on as I read this story, which by-the-way gets more and more difficult to comprehend as each page passes, is the background story of the speaker, or author. It seems to be that something happened in this man’s life, some trauma of some sorts resulting into him going into hiding and becoming a recluse of some sorts. He compares somebody, I believe him, to a mouse going in his hole for 40 years. It could be that he just doesn’t understand society. Everything he speaks of seems to be a criticism in the thought process of all human beings. Nonetheless, I do believe that he is capable of feeling some type of emotion, unlike the author’s Raskolnikov of “Crime an Punishment” I have just yet to fully understand if something prompted him to become the way that he is, or if he just was simply born that way. 

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