Monday, January 27, 2014

What does man want?

Everyone has their own reasons for doing something out of the ordinary or something completely random. Just like the Underground Man explained, a man does something out of boredom. A man wants to keep himself entertained. He wants to feel as if he is a part of something. Man wants to have his own feelings and ideas be heard. I agree with the man when he stated that science goes around the simple explanation for why a man does what he does. If someone figured out every answer to every possible question, we would get bored and lazy just as the underground man explained. It is somewhat simple. A man who is given everything he could physically have, he will always want more. He has a need to need more. Nothing will ever be good enough when you have absolutely everything money could buy.
   The Underground Man also makes a very good point when he says that man wants to do something just for the sake of proving his point of for doing something for himself. If you tell someone he or she cannot do something, that person will go out and try to prove you wrong. No matter what it takes.

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