Saturday, January 25, 2014

Interesting ideas

During today’s reading, chapter IV actually captivated my attention. The first sentence made me think he was a type of masochist because it is not common to hear of someone laughing as they cry. If they are crying due to sadness or happiness, then yes, but when the tears are derived from pain, no one really laughs. Dostoyevsky makes it seem as if your physical self is hurting, while your conscious is being humiliated. Then he goes on to say that the moans we release in an effort to let go of the pain is enjoyable. I tend to disagree with this idea, because in my mind, no one is happy that they are in pain, unless something is terribly wrong.  However, if I understand him correctly, then I believe he is right by stating that for pain to go away, you have to accept that it is there. The only part that bothers me is that you should enjoy it. Once pain becomes repetitive, each sting becomes less painful because you are accustomed to it. Dostoyevsky is correct in saying that ass the pain prolongs, you tend to correlate it with other things going wrong in your life. I think you enjoy the feeling once the pain is gone, but not during. 

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