Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Wendell Pfeffer

            Alas I have finally finished Notes from Underground. Part 2 was seemingly more enjoyable than Part 1 because not only was I able to understand the sentence structure without having to reread pages over and over again, but the story was actually pretty good. A man who is characterized as Fyodor is doing most of what is said not to do in part I, but you cant blame the man in the story because he is essentially Fyodor whom describes his flaws and his perception on life and how he wanted his life to turn out in part 1, which he thus characterizes the man in part 2 to be like him. In part 1 Fyodor contemplates on how he should be a normal man who has the ability to attract attention and take vengeance when appropriate. These qualities seemed to be the problems for the main character in part 2. However, to my surprise, he actually did prove his worth by at least making a good effort to become a normal man. The first situation was when he purposely ran into the officer and the second was when he attended a dinner with Zerkov and his followers, whom knew in school a while back. The reason the main character attended the dinner is because he wanted to take Zerkov’s place. He wanted to feel what it was like to be a successful man whom is wealthy, powerful and is able to capture attention. He acted a little bit bizarre in the process and failed, maybe it was due to his intoxication but at least he tried. 

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