Friday, January 24, 2014

First Reaction

Obviously, and this is not an original thought, Notes From the Underground is difficult to understand because the novel does not have a coherent plot line. The book is just a bunch of random thoughts connected by free association of a character that Dostoyevsky created. My best interpretation so far is that this character is simultaneously sickened and pleased by his “scoundrel” like personality. He understands that there is an alternate route to take which can lead to a path of “goodness and beauty”, and he knows that this is the better path to take, but much like an addict, he continues to take an odd type of pleasure in terrorizing others and being spiteful. Dostoyevsky’s character is full of contradictions, such as “I am well-educated enough not to be superstitious, but I am superstitious.” Again, I think this relates to his character’s fickle personality or overly conscience personality. He is able to understand that he should be one way, but decides to be something else out of habit. He blames a lot of the things he does and the person that he is to nature, something that he is unable to change. He believes that because nature decided that he should behave one way, he is powerless to behave any differently. So in essence, nature makes him characterless. And after writing this interpretation I am even more confused than when I started.    

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